Jessie was alone. Shivering by the remains of a fire which had long since burned out. She awoke in the cave that was their shelter. Or had been, for a time. Her clan the Kagon, the wandering worshippers of Nhaama (goddess of the moon and mortal enemy of Azim the god of the sun), had left her behind. Their provisions and supplies all gone, they had likely drugged her tea and snuck out at sunset.
She cried. Tears streaming freely down her sapphire skin. It wasn't her fault. How could they just leave her?!? Her family was always so serious.. and she just wanted to make them laugh.
Her antics had long ago awarded her the nickname of Jester, but this most recent one wasn't even that bad! Just a few crotches cut out of the men's attire while they bathed in the river. She giggled, despite her predicament. She could still hear their angry shouts and floppy members as they chased her through the trees. It was all just for fun.. she would have mended the trousers..
Ugghh. This was so unfair. She wailed into the darkness. What would she do? Where could she go? The night was well past its apex, and she knew she wouldn't get far before Azim took hold of the valley. Her skills were mostly limited to cooking, weaving and the tanning of hides. Unlike her, the other Kagon were almost all skilled hunters and she doubted she would even find their trail, especially if they took care to hide their passage.
Sitting by the dwindling embers, she hugged her knees and looked up at the stars. Pleading to Nhaama for guidance, she yelled at the heavens but heard only the wind in response. Nobody was coming. She had driven them all away..